The Matt McNeil Show

The Matt McNeil Show

Monday-Friday 3PM-5PM

Matt McNeil is a proud Minnesotan, on live weekdays from 3pm to 5pm. Matt has been living most of his life in the state of his birth. He's a husband, a father of three, a veteran, and a broadcaster. He's worked in radio for over 25 years, starting with Armed Forces Radio in Nuremberg, Germany. He currently lives in Hopkins.

On his show Matt talks politics from a Democrat/Progressive perspective, but he'll also venture into parenting, religion, entertainment, sports, gardening, business, cooking, and many other subjects. He interviews politicians, political insiders, authors, pundits, entertainers, and artists, and loves talking to the listeners.

Besides being on air, you can read his thoughts at the 'Progressive Citizen X' blog.

The Matt McNeil Show
The Matt McNeil Show
AM950 Radio

Matt McNeil is a proud Minnesotan, on live weekdays from 3pm to 5pm. Matt has been living most of his life in the state of his birth. He's a husband, a father of three, a veteran, and a broadcaster. He's worked in radio for over 25 years, starting with Armed Forces Radio in Nuremberg, Germany. He currently lives in Hopkins. On his show Matt talks politics from a Democrat/Progressive perspective, but he'll also venture into parenting, religion, entertainment, sports, gardening, business, cooking, and many other subjects. He interviews politicians, political insiders, authors, pundits, entertainers, and artists, and loves talking to the listeners. Besides being on air, you can read his thoughts at the 'Progressive Citizen X' blog.

The Matt McNeil Show – October 2, 2018

Our Democrat of the Day is Joe Heggard running in MN-24A. Paul Molitor gets fired. Matt and Brett disagree on if he should have been canned. Are guns addicting? And using gun nut logic isn’t it the addicts fault instead of the opioids themselves?

Guns Are Addicting and Should Be Treated Like Opioids

The Matt McNeil Show – October 1, 2018

The Matt McNeil Show – September 28, 2018

The Matt McNeil Show – September 27, 2018

The Matt McNeil Show – September 26, 2018

Are Republicans trying to put forward some fake Democratic candidates this election cycle? Republicans are hypocrites demanding Franken and Ellison resign but then are okay with Kavanaugh. Matt has some ideas for what benefits veterans should be guaranteed. Also Jeff Stein talks about the circus that is national politics with Brett Kavanaugh and the possible…

Guarantee Veterans The Benefits They Deserve

Jeff Stein (Matt McNeil 9/26/18)

Republicans Are Hypocrites Condemning Franken and Ellison But Then Are Okay With Kavanaugh.

The Matt McNeil Show – September 25, 2018

Matt is not a popular sports fan at Wayzata high school. Everson Griffin is going througha  rough time with possible mental illness…is it due to concussion issues and why the Vikings played so poorly Sunday? Why to evangelicals excuse sexual assault and hate Democrats more than they love America? And our Democrat of the Day…