The Matt McNeil Show

The Matt McNeil Show

Monday-Friday 3PM-5PM

Matt McNeil is a proud Minnesotan, on live weekdays from 3pm to 5pm. Matt has been living most of his life in the state of his birth. He's a husband, a father of three, a veteran, and a broadcaster. He's worked in radio for over 25 years, starting with Armed Forces Radio in Nuremberg, Germany. He currently lives in Hopkins.

On his show Matt talks politics from a Democrat/Progressive perspective, but he'll also venture into parenting, religion, entertainment, sports, gardening, business, cooking, and many other subjects. He interviews politicians, political insiders, authors, pundits, entertainers, and artists, and loves talking to the listeners.

Besides being on air, you can read his thoughts at the 'Progressive Citizen X' blog.

The Matt McNeil Show
The Matt McNeil Show
AM950 Radio

Matt McNeil is a proud Minnesotan, on live weekdays from 3pm to 5pm. Matt has been living most of his life in the state of his birth. He's a husband, a father of three, a veteran, and a broadcaster. He's worked in radio for over 25 years, starting with Armed Forces Radio in Nuremberg, Germany. He currently lives in Hopkins. On his show Matt talks politics from a Democrat/Progressive perspective, but he'll also venture into parenting, religion, entertainment, sports, gardening, business, cooking, and many other subjects. He interviews politicians, political insiders, authors, pundits, entertainers, and artists, and loves talking to the listeners. Besides being on air, you can read his thoughts at the 'Progressive Citizen X' blog.

The Matt McNeil Show – October 31, 2018

It’s Halloween today as Matt talks about trick or treating with kids and some of the Halloween candy that’s not made anymore. Also Jeff Stein talks national politics with the #MAGABomber, #MAGAShooter, and what to expect in next week’s elections.

The Matt McNeil Show – October 29, 2018

Land ‘O Lakes pulls its money from the Steve King campaign…it look them until NOW to figure out they should??!! More media outlets are picking up the story about Ryan Durant being allegedly bullied by Doug Wardlow with now corroborating accounts. CD8 GOP candidate Pete Stauber is bungling his email controversy, with the coverup seeming…

The Matt McNeil Show – October 29, 2018

The Matt McNeil Show – October 26, 2018

Matt addresses Halloween switching dates. Doug Wardlow bullying as well as our legal responsibility to air all political ads due to the FCC. The Magabomber is arrested.

The Matt McNeil Show – October 25, 2018

The Matt McNeil Show – October 24, 2018

A right wing conservative terrorist seems to be mailing home made bombs to prominent Democrats. Conservatives are trying to deflect. And was the attacker(s) fueled by unhinged right wing politicians and media figures? Also a couple local stories on the disparity in justice between white people and POC and an update on the story about…

The Unhinged Right and the Mail Bombing Attempts on Democrats

A right wing conservative terrorist seems to be mailing home made bombs to prominent Democrats. Conservatives are trying to deflect. And was the attacker(s) fueled by unhinged right wing politicians and media figures?

The Matt McNeil Show – October 23, 2018

Matt re-addresses why Republicans voted for Trump. We’re still open to having a Republican of the Day. Trump proudly endorses Erik Paulsen. Also how did we get to the Keith Ellison vs. Doug Wardlow race?

Donald Trump Proudly Endorses Erik Paulsen

How Did We Actually Get To Keith Ellison Being The DFL AAG Candidate

Matt wonders if we would have a close AG race if not for the DFL convention goers rebelling against Attorney General Lori Swanson and possibly forcing her out of the race.