The Matt McNeil Show

The Matt McNeil Show

Monday-Friday 3PM-5PM

Matt McNeil is a proud Minnesotan, on live weekdays from 3pm to 5pm. Matt has been living most of his life in the state of his birth. He's a husband, a father of three, a veteran, and a broadcaster. He's worked in radio for over 25 years, starting with Armed Forces Radio in Nuremberg, Germany. He currently lives in Hopkins.

On his show Matt talks politics from a Democrat/Progressive perspective, but he'll also venture into parenting, religion, entertainment, sports, gardening, business, cooking, and many other subjects. He interviews politicians, political insiders, authors, pundits, entertainers, and artists, and loves talking to the listeners.

Besides being on air, you can read his thoughts at the 'Progressive Citizen X' blog.

The Matt McNeil Show
The Matt McNeil Show
AM950 Radio

Matt McNeil is a proud Minnesotan, on live weekdays from 3pm to 5pm. Matt has been living most of his life in the state of his birth. He's a husband, a father of three, a veteran, and a broadcaster. He's worked in radio for over 25 years, starting with Armed Forces Radio in Nuremberg, Germany. He currently lives in Hopkins. On his show Matt talks politics from a Democrat/Progressive perspective, but he'll also venture into parenting, religion, entertainment, sports, gardening, business, cooking, and many other subjects. He interviews politicians, political insiders, authors, pundits, entertainers, and artists, and loves talking to the listeners. Besides being on air, you can read his thoughts at the 'Progressive Citizen X' blog.

The Matt McNeil Show – 10.18.2019

On today’s episode of The Matt McNeil Show, Matt describes a delightful trip out to Taylor’s Falls in celebration of his birthday, and the plethora of aches and pains he brought back. He advocates for listeners to get out and door knock in the upcoming year; not just within their own communities but in potential…

The Matt McNeil Show – 10.17.2019

To start Matt’s show for this episode Matt welcomed guest Cliff Schecter to discuss Trump and his ongoing communication (or lack thereof) with Turkey’s Erdogan. Later Matt rants about traffic and how trying to be neighborly often hurts more than it helps in transportation. Is open Enrollment doing more harm than good?

The Matt McNeil Show – 10.16.2019

Matt McNeil summarizes last nights debate and speculates that Bernie’s recent heart attack will hurt his chance of being elected. In the second half of the show Jeff Stein calls in to further discuss Bernie’s health and look back on how health concerns impacted other presidents’ performance in office.

The Matt McNeil Show – 10/15/2019

On today’s episode Matt discusses Trump’s pattern of not paying in full for services he uses; states and cities should band together for a class action lawsuit to seek the proper compensation. The disparity of of education quality in Minnesota is incredibly high, is classism against the poor and working class the culprit? ALarming statistics…

The Matt McNeil Show – October 14, 2019

The Matt McNeil Show – October 11, 2019

The Matt McNeil Show – October 10, 2019

On today’s episode Matt begins with an interview with Jack Rice. Matt and Jack discuss the Kurds in Syria and Turkey and Trump’s complicity in their slaughter by Erdogan. Later in the show Matt discusses the Trump rally taking place in Minneapolis and encourages listeners to record the behavior of Trumpites trying to stir up…

The Matt McNeil Show – October 9, 2019

Matt opens today’s predicting an upcoming swell of “white” in Minneapolis. We’ll see how consistent Republicans are on their ideas about public demonstrations while Trump is in town. Matt directly addresses an Elk River man alleged to have planted spy cameras in MoA changing rooms. And Jeff Stein returns in the second half of the…

The Matt McNeil Show – October 8, 2019

Matt begins today’s show with a short summary of the newly defeated Twins’ most recent series versus the New York Yankees. ruminating on where the Twins went wrong and what they’ll need moving forward. Next in the show Jacob Frey is making Trump pay for his political rally and republicans throw a fit. How is…

The Matt McNeil Show – October 7, 2019

Matt talked about Sonny Purdue’s visit to Wisconsin. Matt appeared on Fox News to discuss President Trumps strategy on agriculture and trade. Matt ranted a bit about the ethanol waivers. Matt revisited his feud with Jeremy Munson.