The Gardening with Joey and Holly Radio Show
Saturdays at Sundays 7-8 AM (Seasonal)
The Gardening with Joey and Holly radio show is a radio program unlike other garden talk shows, it’s focus is to bring gardeners of all levels together, to help gardens grow better, to have healthier trees, maintained landscapes and yards, indoors and out plus preserving what is grown. The show is content based and topic driven. Also weekly guests, garden experts from across the country. And answering your garden questions.
Website URL: https://thewisconsinvegetablegardener.com/
Podcast/Archive URL: https://thewisconsinvegetablegardenerpodcast.podomatic.com/
Public Email: Gardentalkradio@gmail.com
Phone: Call the show anytime with your garden, landscape and tree questions 24/7 at 1-800-927-7469 1-800-927-SHOW