Democrat of the Day

Democrat of the Day

Matt McNeil speaks with a Democrat running for office in Minnesota until election day this fall!

Democrat of the Day - AM950 The Progressive Voice of Minnesota
Democrat of the Day - AM950 The Progressive Voice of Minnesota

Democrat of the Day - AM950 The Progressive Voice of Minnesota

Mindy Kimmel (MN-16A)

Tom Wyatt-Yerka (Matt McNeil Show 5/17/18)

Jamie Mahlberg (Matt McNeil Show 5/14/18)

Dean Phillips (Matt McNeil Show 5/11/18)

Brian Abrahamson (Matt McNeil Show 5/10/18)

Kelly Moller (5/6/18)

Heather Klassen (Matt McNeil Show 5/8/18)

Rebecca Otto (Matt McNeil Show 5/7/18)

Marla Vagts (Matt McNeil Show 5/4/18)

Ken Martin (Matt McNeil Show 4/30/18)