AM950 Best of Interviews

AM950 Best of Interviews

Best of Interviews - AM950 The Progressive Voice of Minnesota
Best of Interviews - AM950 The Progressive Voice of Minnesota

Best of Interviews - AM950 The Progressive Voice of Minnesota

Melissa Hortman (Matt McNeil Show 3/28/18)

Cliff Schecter (Matt McNeil Show 3/26/18)

Susan Du (Matt McNeil Show – March 22,2018)

Arne Carlson (Mike McIntee Show 3/19/18)

Michael Brodkorb (Matt McNeil Show 3/19/18)

Leah Phifer – March 13, 2018 (Mike McIntee Show)

Michelle Lee – March 9, 2018 (Mike McIntee Show)

Joe Radinovich – March 8, 2018 (Mike McIntee Show)

Nancy Nelson & Ellen DeFilipps (Mike McIntee Show 3/14/18)

An incredible story from Nancy Nelson about how she gave her kidney to a friend who had kidney disease.

Gun Walk Out Students (Mike McIntee Show 3/14/18)

Mike speaks with Gabrielle Pittinger (former Parkland student), Zoe Chinn (Harding HS), and Avery Weina Harding HS), three high school students who participated in today’s gun walk out.