AM950 Best of Interviews

AM950 Best of Interviews

Best of Interviews - AM950 The Progressive Voice of Minnesota
Best of Interviews - AM950 The Progressive Voice of Minnesota

Best of Interviews - AM950 The Progressive Voice of Minnesota

Molly Beck – (Matt McNeil Show – 7/6/18)

Ben Olsen – (Matt McNeil Show 6/29/18)

Lori Swanson (Matt McNeil Show 6-15-18)

Kristin Bahner (MN34-B 6/14/18)

Cliff Schecter (Matt McNeil Show 6/12/18)

David Pepper (Matt McNeil Show 6/7/18)

Richard Painter (Matt McNeil Show 6/1/18)

Gerry Fernandez (Mike McIntee Show 5/29/18)

Erin Murphy (Matt McNeil Show 5/29/2018)

Chris Kluwe (Matt McNeil Show 5/25/18)