AM950 Best of Interviews

AM950 Best of Interviews

Best of Interviews - AM950 The Progressive Voice of Minnesota
Best of Interviews - AM950 The Progressive Voice of Minnesota

Best of Interviews - AM950 The Progressive Voice of Minnesota

Matt Christman (Chapo Trap House) – Local Minnesota Radio Hour 8/23/18

Molly Beck – (Matt McNeil Show 8/15/2018)

Secretary of State Steve Simon (8/14/18)

James Lamond (Doug Pagitt 8/7/18)

Cliff Schecter (Matt McNeil Show 8/7/18)

Jeff Stein (Matt McNeil Show 7/25/18)

Cliff Schecter (Matt McNeil Show 7/16/18)

Keith Ellison – (Local MN Radio Hour – 7/12/18)

Jeff Stein (Matt McNeil Show) – July 11, 2018

Jack Rice – (Matt McNeil Show – 7/10/18)

President Trump on Monday announced Brett Kavanaugh as his Supreme Court justice nominee.