AM950 Best of Interviews

AM950 Best of Interviews

Best of Interviews - AM950 The Progressive Voice of Minnesota
Best of Interviews - AM950 The Progressive Voice of Minnesota

Best of Interviews - AM950 The Progressive Voice of Minnesota

Cliff Schecter (Matt McNeil Show – 11/1/18)

Robert Baril (Matt McNeil Show 10/30/18)

Ryan Durant – (Matt McNeil Show 10/29/18)

Jeff Stein (Matt McNeil Show 10/24/18)

Ellie Krug Event (Local Minnesota Radio Hour 10/22/18)

Katy Tessman – (Matt McNeil Show 10/15/18)

Molly Beck (Matt McNeil Show 10/10/18)

History Professor Peter Rachleff of Macalester College (10/9/18)

History Professor Peter Rachleff of Macalester College tells us about how the Democratic and Republican parties have shifted from left to right and vice versa over the years.

Donzel Leggett – (Local Minnesota Radio Hour 10/4/18)

Jeff Stein (Matt McNeil 10/3/18)