AM950 Best of Interviews

AM950 Best of Interviews

Best of Interviews - AM950 The Progressive Voice of Minnesota
Best of Interviews - AM950 The Progressive Voice of Minnesota

Best of Interviews - AM950 The Progressive Voice of Minnesota

Devils Advocate (Local Minnesota Radio Hour 12/4/18)

Am950 joins 1510AM Milwaukee WRRD to talk about the fiasco going on in Wisconsin!

Jeff Stein (Matt McNeil Show 11/21/18)

Robert Baril (Matt McNeil Show 11/20//18)

Robert Baril joins to talk about his headlining show this Thanksgiving weekend.

Trace Beaulieu (Matt McNeil Show 11/15/18)

Jeff Stein (Matt McNeil Show 11/7/18)

Hunter Cantrell (New MN-56A Rep)

Brett Johnson and Hunter Hawes speak with the newly elected house representative from district 56A, Hunter Cantrell. Cantrell is just 23 years old and he discusses how he was able to get elected at such a young age and what he wants to accomplish in the legislature.

Tane Danger (Matt McNeil Show 11/5/18)

Noah Johnson Grass Roots Legalize Cannabis Party (11/2/18)

Ellie Krug (Matt McNeil Show 11/2/18)

Jessica Heger (Local MN Radio Hour – 11/1/18)